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How to Create a Team

A Team is a collection of Users that are members, decision makers, and counter signers. Teams are used by Workflows to assign Deal Approvers and Approval Topics based on team members. ‍


  1. Go to the Team Settings (Hover on Settings , click on Teams )

  1. Click the + New Team button

  1. Fill in the Team details

  2. Set the Team Name

  3. Add all Team Members , users that can't approve or sign deals

  4. Add all Decision Makers , users who are reviewing and approving the Team's deals

  5. Add all Counter Signers , users who are countersigning the Team's deals

  1. Click the Save Team button to save the Team. ‍

Edit a Team

‍ When you need to edit a Team, go to the Team Settings (Hover on Settings , click on Teams ). Find the Team you need to update and click the Edit button in the bottom right corner. ‍

Edit the team as needed. Remember to use the Save Team button in the bottom right corner to save your changes. ‍

Delete a Team

‍ When you need to delete a Team, go to the Team Settings (Hover on Settings , click on Teams ). Find the Team you need to delete and click the Edit button in the bottom right corner. ‍

‍ Click the Delete button in the bottom left corner of the Team editor. ‍

Click the Delete button on the confirmation modal. Deleting a Team cannot be reversed. ‍

The Team will be removed from the Team Settings list after your request is finished processing. ‍