Comparison Operators
When we need to compare values from one another, these operators will help with your markdown.
List of Operators
{{ and }}
{{ compare }}
{{ contains }}
{{ default }}
{{ eq }}
{{ gt }}
{{ gte }}
{{ has }}
{{ ifEven }}
{{ ifNth }}
{{ ifOdd }}
{{ isFalsey }}
{{ isTruthy }}
{{ is }}
{{ isnt }}
{{ lt }}
{{ lte }}
{{ neither }}
{{ not }}
{{ or }}
{{ switch }}
{{ case }}
- Match on string
- Match on number or list of numbers.
{{ unlessEq }}
{{ unlessGt }}
{{ unlessLt }}
{{ unlessGteq }}
{{ unlessLteq }}
{{ and }}
Helper that renders the block if both of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. Works as a block helper, inline helper or subexpression.
* `a` **{any}**
* `b` **{any}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ compare }}
Render a block when a comparison of the first and third arguments returns true. The second argument is the arithemetic operator to use. You may also optionally specify an inverse block to render when falsy.
* `a` **{}**
* `operator` **{}**: The operator to use. Operators must be enclosed in quotes: `">"`, `"="`, `"<="`, and so on.
* `b` **{}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or if specified the inverse block is rendered if falsey.
{{ contains }}
Block helper that renders the block if collection
has the given value
, using strict equality (===
) for comparison, otherwise the inverse block is rendered (if specified). If a startIndex
is specified and is negative, it is used as the offset from the end of the collection.
* `collection` **{Array|Object|String}**: The collection to iterate over.
* `value` **{any}**: The value to check for.
* `[startIndex=0]` **{Number}**: Optionally define the starting index.
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object.
{{ default }}
Returns the first value that is not undefined, otherwise the "default" value is returned.
* `value` **{any}**
* `defaultValue` **{any}**
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ eq }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is equal to b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
You may optionally use the compare=""
hash argument for the
second value.
* `a` **{String}**
* `b` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ gt }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is greater than b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
You may optionally use the compare=""
hash argument for the
second value.
* `a` **{String}**
* `b` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ gte }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is greater than or equal to b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
You may optionally use the compare=""
hash argument for the
second value.
* `a` **{String}**
* `b` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ has }}
Block helper that renders a block if value
has pattern
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
* `val` **{any}**: The value to check.
* `pattern` **{any}**: The pattern to check for.
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ ifEven }}
Return true if the given value is an even number.
* `number` **{Number}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ ifNth }}
Conditionally renders a block if the remainder is zero when
operand is divided by b
. If an inverse block is specified
it will be rendered when the remainder is not zero.
* **{}**: {Number}
* **{}**: {Number}
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ ifOdd }}
Block helper that renders a block if value
is an odd number. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
* `value` **{Object}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ isFalsey }}
Returns true if the given value
is falsey. Uses the falsey
library for comparisons. Please see that library for more information
or to report bugs with this helper.
* `val` **{any}**
* `options` **{Options}**
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
{{ isTruthy }}
Returns true if the given value
is truthy. Uses the falsey
library for comparisons. Please see that library for more information
or to report bugs with this helper.
* `val` **{any}**
* `options` **{Options}**
* `returns` **{Boolean}**
{{ is }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is equal to b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
Similar to eq but does not do strict equality.
* `a` **{any}**
* `b` **{any}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ isnt }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is not equal to b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
Similar to unlessEq but does not use strict equality for
* `a` **{String}**
* `b` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ lt }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is less than b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
You may optionally use the compare=""
hash argument for the
second value.
* `context` **{Object}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ lte }}
Block helper that renders a block if a
is less than or equal to b
If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
You may optionally use the compare=""
hash argument for the
second value.
* `a` **{Sring}**
* `b` **{Sring}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ neither }}
Block helper that renders a block if neither of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
* `a` **{any}**
* `b` **{any}**
* `options` **{}**: Handlebars options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ not }}
Returns true if val
is falsey. Works as a block or inline helper.
* `val` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**
{{ or }}
Block helper that renders a block if any of the given values is truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy.
* argument **{...any}**: Variable number of arguments
* options **{Object}**: Handlebars options object
* returns **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ switch }}
Switch is a block operator, {{#switch}}{{/switch}}
that allows a user
to control what to render based on value or values defined in a {{#case}}{{/case}}
or values that do not match any case expressions to a {{#default}}{{/default}}
You can read more about what a Switch statement is on wikipedia.
* `value` **{String|Number}**: String or number to match. This field is type-sensitive.
* `returns` **{String}**: Returns evaluated `{{case}}` and/or `{{default}}` expression.
{{ case }}
Case defines an equality expression for a Switch
, returning the content between the case block on a match.
can only be used within a {{#switch}}{{/switch}}
You can have as many {{case}}
statements next to each other, and {{default}}
often follows the last {{case}}
in a {{switch}}
* `match` **{String|Number}**: Matching value to compare with `{{switch}}` value.
* `returns` **{String}**: Returns evaluated `{{case}}` when `match === value` of `{{switch}}`.
Match on string
Match on number or list of numbers.
{{ unlessEq }}
Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a
is equal to b
* `a` **{String}**
* `b` **{String}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Inverse block by default, or block if falsey.
{{ unlessGt }}
Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a
is greater than b
* `a` **{Object}**: The default value
* `b` **{Object}**: The value to compare
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Inverse block by default, or block if falsey.
{{ unlessLt }}
Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a
is less than b
* `a` **{Object}**: The default value
* `b` **{Object}**: The value to compare
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ unlessGteq }}
Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a
is greater than or equal to b
* `a` **{any}**
* `b` **{any}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.
{{ unlessLteq }}
Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a
is less than or equal to b
* `a` **{any}**
* `b` **{any}**
* `options` **{Object}**: Handlebars provided options object
* `returns` **{String}**: Block, or inverse block if specified and falsey.